Behind The Rainbow, released in 2009, is the fourth album by German duo Loving The Sun. This is a follow up to ‘The Other Side Of The World’. and in my opinion surpasses it with a more direct pysch/pop direction. I found an immediate liking to the music this time around. Just like the previous release, the band’s music is firmly rooted in a soft psychedelic-dreamy pop sound. There’s just enough accessibility to attract mainstream music fans.

The line-up for this album lists Joe Weninghoff (multi-instrumentalist) and Stefan Grundmann (keyboards, drums) as the core members. Joining them are several vocalists including Marie Craven, Alev Cetinyilmaz. & Andrea Heukamp .According to information by the band, Alev is listed as the main vocalist.

Behind The Rainbow, has a somber mood to every song with some subtle electric guitar bursts mainly in second half of the album. I feel this is a near-perfect album with the song “Love You Only” being my least favorite of the album. The rest have a quality to them that long after you listen to them, they stick in your mind.

Just like ‘The Other Side Of The World’, this album will be very appealing to fans of softer side psychedelia, space rock and melodic symphonic music. I feel ‘Behind The Rainbow’ is a natural step in an evolution of music. So if you enjoy the softer side of music without being rooted in something of a comatose state, then Loving The Sun is the band for you and their latest release, ‘Behind The Rainbow’ is the perfect starting point in the band’s catalog.

ProgNaut, Reviewed by Ron Fuchs on February 25th, 2010


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